

Law Professor

I am a Special Professor of Law at Nottingham University. This icon will take you to the Nottingham University Law School Special Professorship page. The Law School is ranked 4th in the UK. The School has a particular reputation for insolvency studies.


I am the Honoury Treasurer of the Baywind Energy Cooperative Trust (BWECT). This icon will take you to the Baywind Energy Cooperative Ltd website, more especially a page describing BWECT.


I sit on the R3 Education, Course & Conferences Committee. This committee designs and supervises courses for the insolvency profession.

CIarb London

I serve on the committee of the London branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. This icon takes you to their website and the ‘committee page’.

Freeman - Arbitrators Company

I am admitted as a Freeman to The Worshipful Company of Arbitrators. This icon takes you to the Worshipful Company of Arbitrators website and a page noting my ‘freedom’.

Turnaround Finance Group

I am the Turnaround Finance Group Ltd (TFG) Company Secretary & there is a 'recommendation' on my LinkedIn page from Libby Aird-Brown of the TFG.


I hold & have held a number of positions in the Institute of England & Wales. More details of these positions can viewed by clicking on this icon.


I am a former member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants disciplinary & appeal committees.